Welcome to Trinity Church Towson

Loving God, we give you thanks that you have called Trinity Church to be a caring and diverse, Christ-centered community, empowered to worship, serve, and grow in faith. Guide us and strengthen us to be ever more welcoming and inclusive, and to encourage all people to love God and one another. Amen.

Weekly Worship Schedule

Sunday Morning
8:00 AM – Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:15 AM – Holy Eucharist Rite II with music and live streamed via YouTube

Wednesday Evening Prayer
Wednesday Night Live! Evening Prayer with Sykes & Wiley. Find the dynamic duo live at 6pm on YouTube @ Trinity Church Towson

Children at Worship

New to Trinity

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to make a deeper connection with God at Trinity Episcopal Church. Experience the spirit of love and acceptance as we share our gifts in this Christ-centered community.


Worship Schedule

Sunday Morning
8:00 AM – Eucharist
9:10m – Adult formation
10:15 AM – Eucharist and live streamed via YouTube

Wednesday Evening Prayer
Wednesday Night Live Evening Prayer with Sykes & Wiley. Find the dynamic duo live at 6pm on YouTube @ Trinity Church Towson

Thursday Bible Study

Brown Bag Bible Study, Thursdays from 11-12pm on Zoom. Grab a sandwich and your Bible to join in a discussion of weekly lectionary readings. The meeting information is available on our website or by contacting the office. See the weekly Trinity E-times for the Zoom Link.

Small Groups on ZOOM

During the Summer our Small Groups are taking a break.  They will return in the fall.

Trinity On Instagram

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Trinity Church Blog

Welcome to Our Church

Welcome to Our Church

Two weeks ago, I introduced the values that undergird Bishop Carrie's vision for nurturing a Community of Love in our diocese.
Welcome to Our Church

Following Through: Behaviors in a Community of Love

Two weeks ago, I introduced the values that undergird Bishop Carrie's vision for nurturing a Community of Love in our diocese.
Welcome to Our Church

Given: Assumptions in a Community of Love

Last week I introduced Bishop Carrie's vision for nurturing a Community of Love in our diocese.
Welcome to Our Church

Resolved: Values in a Community of love

As many of you know, I serve on Diocesan Council, a sort of advisory group to the bishop with similar responsibilities as those of a Vestry in a parish. The Council is made up of lay and clergy representatives from each region of the diocese plus a few members elected at Diocesan Convention to serve at-large. It tickles me to say I am a member at-large.
Welcome to Our Church

A Light in the Darkness

"...while sorrow is real, the final word is joy." The Rev. Kirsten…
Welcome to Our Church

Why We Chant During Advent

Have you noticed all the new and returning faces in church these past two Sundays? Did you know that many of them are coming specifically for Advent? We like to make jokes about the CEOs (Christmas and Easter Only worshipers), but this year we are seeing a bunch A+ folks, people who are specifically coming for Advent and now considering more regular Sunday worship.
Welcome to Our Church

Music is Ministry

This week we are privileged to hear from one of our most talented cantors, Joshua Jones. Joshua has blessed us with his exquisite baritone for more than seven years. More than once I have had to warn off other rectors who thought they could lure him away from Trinity,
Welcome to Our Church

The Most Musical Time of the Year

This is is, my friends: the season of serious singing is upon us. I'm not talking about the Christmas carols that will insist on barging into our Advent preparations, but the knock-out hymns of Advent itself: Prepare the Way, O Zion!, Hail to the Lord's Anointed!,
Welcome to Our Church

Janet’s Drawers and How it all Began

By Cindy Adler, former parishioner and Surprise Shop Chairperson. In…
Welcome to Our Church

Welcome to Our Church

Two weeks ago, I introduced the values that undergird Bishop Carrie's vision for nurturing a Community of Love in our diocese.
Welcome to Our Church

Following Through: Behaviors in a Community of Love

Two weeks ago, I introduced the values that undergird Bishop Carrie's vision for nurturing a Community of Love in our diocese.
Welcome to Our Church

Given: Assumptions in a Community of Love

Last week I introduced Bishop Carrie's vision for nurturing a Community of Love in our diocese.
Welcome to Our Church

Resolved: Values in a Community of love

As many of you know, I serve on Diocesan Council, a sort of advisory group to the bishop with similar responsibilities as those of a Vestry in a parish. The Council is made up of lay and clergy representatives from each region of the diocese plus a few members elected at Diocesan Convention to serve at-large. It tickles me to say I am a member at-large.
Children at Worship

New to Trinity

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to make a deeper connection with God at Trinity Episcopal Church. Experience the spirit of love and acceptance as we share our gifts in this Christ-centered community.


Worship Schedule

Sunday Morning
8:00 AM – Eucharist
9:00 AM – Sunday School – Youth Groups – Adult Forums
10:00 AM – Eucharist
5:00 PM – Eucharist

12:15 PM – Mid-Day Prayer

Mission Prayer

Dear God, guide us at Trinity Episcopal Church to be an inclusive and caring Christ-centered community nurtured by our worship and tradition. We ask you to strengthen and guide us as we live out our mission to welcome and celebrate the diversity of all people through spiritual education, growth in faith and service in Christ’s Name. Amen.

Children at Worship

New to Trinity

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to make a deeper connection with God at Trinity Episcopal Church. Experience the spirit of love and acceptance as we share our gifts in this Christ-centered community.


Worship Schedule

Sunday Morning
8:00 AM – Eucharist
9:00 AM – Sunday School – Youth Groups – Adult Forums
10:00 AM – Eucharist
5:00 PM – Eucharist

12:15 PM – Mid-Day Prayer

Mission Prayer

Dear God, guide us at Trinity Episcopal Church to be an inclusive and caring Christ-centered community nurtured by our worship and tradition. We ask you to strengthen and guide us as we live out our mission to welcome and celebrate the diversity of all people through spiritual education, growth in faith and service in Christ’s Name. Amen.

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© Copyright 2024 - Trinity Episcopal Church -120 Allegheny Ave - Towson, MD 21204 - 410-823-3588