Outreach Ministry
Outreach Ministry
The Trinity Outreach Ministry Mission is To serve Christ in all people by funding and executing projects that benefit those in need locally, regionally, and across the globe.
Examples include:
Year-Round Activities:
- Trinity Transportation – A ministry assisting parishioners with transportation barriers in attending services
- Prologue – Toiletries for the unhoused population served next door at Prologue. Look for our basket in the church narthex to donate toiletries and personal care items.
Annual Activities:
- Love Your Neighbor Prison Ministry – Sheets and towels for individuals recently released from prison
- MCVETs – Toiletries and personal items for veterans in need
- Pleasant Plains Elementary – School supplies, hats, and gloves for students in need
- Kibble Connection – Pet food and supplies so families can keep their pets during times of financial hardship
- Episcopal Relief and Development – Outreach makes an annual financial donation to assist those in need around the globe.
If you’d like to learn more about Outreach please contact Melissa Jenkins (robandlis@msn.com) or Ted Miller (tejoted@gmail.com).
Trinity Episcopal Preschool
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