One of Trinity Church’s most cherished gifts is hospitality. Nobody puts on a spread like Trinity, and the feeling of warmth and generosity among us is second to none. Perhaps the most grievous loss for us over the past 15 months has been the shut-down of our Second Sunday Breakfast, a time when we share a meal and some fellowship with the community. I look forward with hope to the return of Second Sunday Breakfast (maybe in the fall?), as something close to a heavenly sign of God’s healing power in a broken world.
The community misses Second Sunday Breakfast, too. As you may know, vulnerable people in the area have a sort of circuit for assistance in Towson, including Prologue, ACTC, the Public Library, and Trinity. That slowed down a lot during the pandemic, but folks are starting to come round to see me again. When they do, they always ask, “Are you doing the breakfasts, yet?” They reminisce about how nice it was to sit down to relax and enjoy a really good meal. There is no question they miss the food, but they also miss the feeling of welcome.
Often, we are asked to reflect on our mistakes in order to learn or grow spiritually, but I wonder if we might not also learn from what we do well and consider how our strengths could inform other aspects of our lives. If we have the capacity to share the love of God with people so powerfully one Sunday a month, how might each of us develop that into a regular spiritual practice? How could we bring a spirit of welcome into all our encounters? What would each of us need to be willing to build that habit? What would it require of us? What are we willing to risk for the sake of the Kingdom of God?
In peace,
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Trinity Episcopal Church
120 Allegheny Ave
Towson, MD 21204