Our Mission
Trinity Towson is a caring and diverse, Christ-centered community called to create and share opportunities for all people to worship God, serve others, and grow in faith as we travel together on our spiritual journey.
We pursue this mission through Trinity Episcopal Church, Trinity Episcopal Preschool, and the Surprise Shop.
We strive to be a welcoming and inclusive community that encourages all people to love God and one another.
We welcome you to Trinity Episcopal Church in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are pleased that you have found us on-line. We believe that EVERYONE who comes through the doors of Trinity Church is God’s guest. If you are seeking an active community of faith, we invite you to explore this website then come and see.
You are a unique child of God, and I wish to respond to you however will suit you best. If you have questions, wants or needs, or if you would like information about participating more fully in the life the Trinity community, I invite you to contact us. We look forward to meeting you.
Please know that children are always welcome at all services. At different times, we involve children within the context of the service and at other times we have a special children’s program during the service.
We believe in being a place of “radical welcome.” We seek to serve Jesus Christ in one another and in the world around us, and we hope that you will feel the presence of the living Christ in this wonderful community. You will find us a loving and supportive community full of God’s children who will welcome you without pressure.
We hope that you will come and worship with us, explore and ask questions with us, and participate in mission and ministry with us as we journey together in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
God’s Peace & Blessings to you!
Trinity Church