David and all Israel were dancing before God with all their might, with song and lyres and harps and tambourines and cymbals and trumpets.
1 Chronicles 13:8
This is is, my friends: the season of serious singing is upon us. I’m not talking about the Christmas carols that will insist on barging into our Advent preparations, but the knock-out hymns of Advent itself: Prepare the Way, O Zion!, Hail to the Lord’s Anointed!, Soon and Very Soon!, Tell out My Soul! This is great stuff, hearty old hymns that help prepare for the Coming of Christ with joy and hope. Who would have thought that anticipating Judgement Day could be such a celebration??
I challenge you this season to sing out with all your heart and all the breath you can muster. Let it be your spiritual discipline in Advent to release of any and all shame you may have about your singing voice. Make a great, big, joyful noise without letting the Enemy convince you that you have no place in the chorus of the faithful. Allow yourself the pleasure of feeling your love of God and neighbor resonating through your body. Be not afraid!
All Anglican musical snobbery aside, church music is not primarily about performance. We are blessed to have gifted musicians who lead us in song, but their ministry is more than professional excellence. Their job is to support all of us in our ministry of praise and devotion, to help us sing out and bring healing to all our souls.
In peace,
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120 Allegheny Ave
Towson, MD 21204