Unity of Spirit: A profile of our guest preacher this Sunday
Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy,
love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.
1 Peter 3:8
I am very pleased to share with you our guest preacher this Sunday, June 2: Bishop-Elect Dorothy Parrish-Harris, J.D., founding pastor of Unity Fellowship Church of Columbia who worship at Trinity on Sunday afternoons. In years past we have welcomed pastors of Unity on Trinity Sunday, but the calendar thwarted us this year with Trinity Sunday on Memorial Day weekend. This is why we are celebrating our parish this Sunday with our cookout and Dr. Parrish-Harris’s visit.
Bishop-Elect Dorothy has served for many years as an Oversight Elder of UFC Columbia’s Jurisdiction within the international Unity Fellowship Church Movement. During the movement’s annu
al convocation held last October right here at Trinity, Rev. Elder Dorothy was elected bishop to be fully consecrated at UFCM’s 2024 Holy Convocation in Los Angeles this fall. I hope to have a Trinity contingent present to support her and our siblings in Christ at UFC Columbia.
Dr. Parrish-Harris earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at University of Buffalo, and earned her J.D. at University of Baltimore School of Law. She has spent most of her non-ecclesial career in higher education as a professor and administrator. She served in upper administration at Anne Arundel Community College, UMass Boston, and SUNY Fredonia, among other places, and now serves as Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students at Coppin State University. Her love of teaching has kept her in the classroom even with all her administrative duties. Even now she teaches English Literature at AACC.
I am honored to call Bishop-Elect Dorothy a colleague and a friend. In the three years that Unity has been with us I have seen her develop leadership among her people and enact her vision of a growing, diverse, inclusive community devoted to God and a mission to bring health and love to people who have often been denied both, especially LGBTQ+ folks. While Trinity and Unity are individual communities, I truly believe the Holy Spirit brought us together. We share many values and goals, and I pray that we will grow in partnership, fellowship, and mission. Please give Bishop-Elect Dorothy and Unity members who join us for worship your warmest Trinity Welcome this Sunday.