Then the singers praised him with their voices
in sweet and full-toned melody.
Ben Sirach 50:18
This week we are privileged to hear from one of our most talented cantors, Joshua Jones. Joshua has blessed us with his exquisite baritone for more than seven years. More than once I have had to warn off other rectors who thought they could lure him away from Trinity, but Joshua’s talent is matched only by his faithfulness. I am grateful for his reflection on his ministry among us as part of our Ministry of the Month celebration of music.
In peace,
Singing for Trinity Church has been a true blessing to me. I was provided with the opportunity in 2017 to be the Bass Section Leader. Not sure how things would go, I accepted the opportunity and have been singing for this church ever since.
One thing that has been instilled in me since studying music at Morgan State University is that “Music is ministry. It has to go beyond the page. It must inspire” and Trinity has shown me how much that means. The ministry music brings is one that can be enjoyed, shared, and done by everyone. It is a communal act shared by those who are performing and those who just listen. It can be a solemn prayer or an exclamation of faith.
I’m grateful to be able to share my ministry with the church and extremely honored to be received so warmly by the church. To be given the opportunity not only to have my voice heard in giving praise but to also join with voices to give praise together. Thank you, Trinity Church.
Joshua Jones
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Trinity Episcopal Church
120 Allegheny Ave
Towson, MD 21204